Sunday, October 19, 2014

Banana Cake with Chocolate Chip !/Keke me Banane dhe Copeza Cokollate


  1. 400g flour 
  2. 200g sugar 
  3. 3 eggs
  4. 100g butter 
  5. 4 banannas
  6. 100g cocholate 
  7. Vanilla
  8.  Baking powder 
  • In a bowl add butter, eggs, sugar. Mix until sugar is melted. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tave Dheu Tironse(Calf liver in a clay pan)!

It is a traditional dish in Albania...Especially in Tirana.
Down below you will find a recepie suitable to cook at home. It is very easy and delicious to cook. Hope you enjoy it!
  1.  500g calf liver
  2.   1 big tomatoe( or 2 small ones) 
  3.  2 big onion(or 3 small)
  4.  1 garlic clove
  5.  500g cottage cheese
  6.  Olive oil
  7.  Salt 
  8. Pepper
  9.  1tbs red pepper( to give color)
Firstly we peel the onions and the garlic clove.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Three Milk Cake( Tres Leche/ Tre Lecce)/Trilece


There are different recepies from all the world to prepare this dessert.
The recepie that I used is similiar with the one used in italy. 
It is very delicious and recomend doing it for a special occasion.

  1. 10 eggs 
  2. 10 tbs flour 
  3. 10 tbs powdered sugar
  4. 1 vanilla 
  5. Baking powder 
  6. 500 ml panna 
  7. 500 ml p
  8. Panda milk 
  9. 1.5 l milk
  10.  Caramel
Firstly prepare the sponge cake .

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Homemade Chips!/Patatina shtepie !

Everybody loves chips and especially the little ones.
 They are the first choice during a movies night or a sleepover. You can easily prepare them with your children, siblings, cousines, friends ect. Ofcourse it would be easier to buy them but why not try and make them. It will be a fun time and remember healthier chips . 
Down below you will find the recepie. 
Hope you like and enjoy! :)

  1. Potatoes 
  2. Frying(Vegetal) oil 
  3. Spices 
  4. Salt 
  •  Firstly wash and peel the potatoes.