Monday, June 30, 2014

Hello everyone

Hello everyone!
Santorini ^_^
This is my first post here so, first of all I will tell you a few things about me .
My name is Matilda Gremi. I am 18 year old and my natal town is Fieri but I live in Tirana.I come from a family of 5 persons. I have two elder siblings who drive me crazy but love them so much. I have just finished Petro Nini Luarasi high school and on october I will start university. Apart from cooking I have many other hobbies. I love playing basketball and for more than 6 years I have played with Tirana Junior team.I was the captain of the team but this year i had to leave because of school. Another thing I love is playing the guitar and reading a lot. One of my favourite authors is Dan Brown, I have enjoyed every single book he has written. One last of my many hobbies is travelling. I have had the opportunity to visit different places like Egypt, Montenegro, Turkey, Greece ( Santorini the most amazing place in the world), Croatia, Kosovo and Macedonia.
Hopefully I will visit many others soon. Travelling is a good opportunity for me to get to know with the culinary heritage of different countries. The main reason why I decided to open this blog is because of my PASSION FOR COOKING ( mostly desserts) .So starting from now I will share my passion with all of you.
                                                     xoxo MG
Me and Nunju <3
Me and my sisters <3

Pershendetje te gjitheve!

Ky eshte postimi im i pare, por fillimisht lejomeni t'ju tregoj disa detaje rreth meje . Une quhem Matilda Gremi. Jam 18 vjeƧ dhe kam lindur ne Fier ,por prej vitesh jetoj ne Tirane. Vij nga nje familje prej 5 anetaresh. Kam dy motra me te rritura qe me cmendin por qe i dua shume.Sapo kam mbaruar gjimnazin Petro Nini Luarasi dhe ne shtator pres te filloj universitetin. Pervec gatimit kam dhe shume pasione te tjera. Nje prej tyre eshte basketbolli.E kam nisur para 6 vitesh dhe kam qene pjese e ekipit te Tiranes. Per disa kohe kam patur fatin te jem kapitenia e skuadres. Dicka tjeter qe me pelqen te bej eshte leximi si dhe te luaj ne kitare. Me pelqejne shume librat e Dan Brown . Nje pasion i fundit qe do deshiroja ta ndaja me ju jane dhe udhetimet. Kam mundur te vizitoj vende te ndryshme si Egjipti, Mali I ZI , Turqia, Greqia( Santorini eshte nje nga vendet me mahnites ne bote), kroacia dhe Maqedonia. Shpresoj qe te vazhdoj te vizitopj shume vende te tjera se shpejti. Udhetimet per mua jane nje mundesi per t'u njohur me traditen kulinare te vendeve te ndryshme. Arsyeja kryesore qe vendosa te hap kete blog eshte per shkak te pasionit tim per ushqimin dhe gatimin (kryesisht embelsira) . Duke filluar nga ky moment, une do e ndaj me ju kete hobi timen.
            xoxo MG
Santorini ^_^

My team "TIRONA"

I love my big sister
I  <3 Basketball


  1. Please Mrs. Matilda Gremi, accept my sincere compliments about your newly blog . I would like to attend some of your cooking classes because it seems that you are a masterchef and also a talent in gastronomy !!!! Kindest regards ,Herald

  2. Oh thank you Mr.Herald Kapaj for saying such a beautiful compliment to my ^_^
    I promise that i will not disappoint you with all of my cooking stuff that I will post
    Please stay in touch if you want to learn more :)
    xoxo MG
