Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Creamy salad with white cabbage and carrots/Sallate kremoze me laker te bardhe dhe karrota

  1. 1 white cabbage
  2.  2 carrots
  3. 2 tablespoon with sour cream
  4. 3 tablespoon with mayones
  5. 2 tablespoon with white vinegar
  6. 1 spanish onion (red onion)
  7. 1 tablespoon with mustard
  8.  Cherry tomatoe
  9. Salt.
  10. Pepper
  11. Olive Oil

A fresh; easy and ideal salad to have during your meals in only 10 minutes.
Firstly wash the cabbage,carrots and cherry tomatoes.Then chop finely the cabbage ;carrots red onion
and the cherry tomatoe.In a serving bowl put the ingredients;add the sour cream;mayones and mustard(if you like).Add salt pepper and mix together. Voila here it is your salad.
Bon Appetit!
               xoxo MG


  1.  1 kokerr laker te bardhe
  2.  2karrota 
  3.  2 luge gjelle salce kosi 
  4.  3 luge gjelle majonez 
  5.  2 luge caj uthulle te bardhe 
  6.  1 qepe spanjolle( qepe e kuqe) 
  7.  1 luge mustarde 
  8. Domate qershi
  9.  Kripe 
  10. Piper 
  11. vaj ulliri

Nje sallate verore qe gjendet ne tavolinat tuaja per me pak se 10minuta 
Ne fillim lajme lakren dhe karrotat me uje te bollshem.Me pas fillojm dhe presim ne fije shum te holla lakren e bardhe ,karrotat dhe qepen spanjolle(qepen e kuqe)
Ne nje ene qe do te servirim sallaten vendosim perbersit dhe sipper I hedhim salcen e kosit,majonezen dhe mustarden(sipas deshires suaj) kripen dhe piperin I perzjejme perbersit se bashku dhe I bejm gati per tu servirer
Ju befte mire
               xoxo MG

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