- 150 gr butter
- 250 gr sugar
- 350 gr flour
- 4 eggs
- 4 apples
- cinnamon
- 1 lemon zest
- juice from 1 lemon
- Powder sugar
- Vanilla
- Bakink Powder
- Firstly peel and cut 3 apples in cubics and 1 apple in slices for the decoration in the end. Put the apples in a bowl with the lemon juice and cinnamon.
- In another bowl put the butter and sugar, mix with a mixer. Add the vanilla and eggs. Mix again and add the lemon zest, baking powder and in the end the flour.
- Mix al the mass with a spoon and add the apples.
- Grease a baking pan and add some flour. Put the mass and decorate with apples , cinnamon and powder sugar.
- Put the pan in a preheated oven at 180 degree C for 40 minutes.
- When the cake is ready take it out from the oven and let cool down. Before serving add some powder sugar for decoration.
xoxo MG
- 150 gr gjalpe
- 250gr sheqer
- 350 gr miell
- 4kokrra veze
- 4 kokrra molle
- Kanelle
- 1 lekure limoni
- Lengu I nje kokrre limoni
- Sheqer pluhur per sperkatjen
- Vanilje
- Baking powder
- Ne fillim qerojme dhe presim ne kubik 3 kokrra molle ndersa 1kokerr e presim ne feta per ta dekoruar ne fund.Nderkohe I vendosim ne nje tas dhe I hedhim lengun e limonit dhe kanelle
- Ne nje ene hedhim gjalpin dhe sheqerin I rrahim se bashku me anen e rraheses eletrike.Me pas shtojme vaniljen dhe vezet . I trazojme perseri,hedhim lekuren e limonit,baking powder dhe ne fund miellin. I trazojme me nje luge tashme dhe hedhim mollet
- Me pas marrim nje tave te cilen e lyejme me vaj dhe e sperkasim me pak miell. Ne fund hedhim brumin e bere gati dhe e dekorojme persiper me mollet e prera,te ciave ju hedhim kanelle dhe sheqer pluhur.
- I fusim ne nje furre te para ngrohur ne 180 C per 40minuta. Ne momentin qe eshte bere gati e nxjerrim nga furra e leme te ftohet dhe e servirim
Ju befte mire
xoxo MG
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