Thursday, October 8, 2015

Enchiliada(Mexican Food)

I have always wanted to cook Mexican food but I have always thought that it was too complicated to cook them. One day as I was talking to a friend she told me about an easy receip for cooking Enchiladas.
This is not the original Mexican receipt but my friend changed it a little bit. As I still wasn't convinced about cooking them, my friends decided to help me.
So Edma, Ada and me decided to gather on Sunday at my house to cook it. The help of my friends made think that this was an easy and delecious receipt worth trying to cook.

1)   Ingredients for 40 tortilla
  1. 1kg flour
  2. 300gr corn flour
  3. 3 cups of water
  4. 1cup of oil
  5. 1cup of milk
  6. 50gr baking soda
#Tortillas preparation:
  •  In a bowl add grain flour, corn flour, bicarbonate, oil, milk. 
  • Mix all together and then add water and mix again until you form a dough. 
  • Give the dough a cylindrical form and cut it in small pieces. 
  • Then open this small pieces of dough in circles.
  •  Meanwhile heat a frying pan without oil. 
  • Bake the tortillas for 15seconds each side. 
  • Then put them in a plate

2)    Ingredients for painting sauce
  1. 200gr tommate sauce
  2. 2 onion
  3. pepperoni or chili sauce(1-2teaspon)
  4. 2cups of water
#Dipping Sauce Preparation 

  • In a pan add some oil and then add 2 onions chopped in a mixer.
  •  After add tomatoe sauce, spicy saucd and in the end add 2 glasses of water. 
  • Leave in fire for 20minutes.

2)    Ingredients for filling sauce
  1. 2tommate
  2. 6onions
  3. 400gr rind cheese
  4. parsley
  5. 1 garlic
  6. pepper
  7. pepperoni or chili sauce(1-2teaspon)
#Filing sauce preparation 

  • In a pan add oil and a garlic.
  •  Then add 4 onions chopped in a mixer.
  •  Leave until gold and then add the chopped tomatoes. 
  • Mix the sauce time to time.
  •  Then add the meat, pepper spicy sauce 2-3 teaspoon. 
  • Mix again and leave until cooked. 
  • Use this sauce for filling the tortillas

4)    Ingredients for Besamel sauce
  1. 100gr butter
  2. 4dishspoon flour
  3. 400ml milk
  4. pepper
#Besamel sauce preparation : 
  • In a pan add butter, let it melt and then add the flour. 
  • Mix again and then in the end add milk and oregano.
  •  Keep mixing the sauce continously and fast in order to have a liquid sauce.

##Enchiladas preparation##

  • In a plate we put some sauce for dipping. 
  • Dipp the tortillas in the sauce in both sides. 
  • Then in the middle of it add dhe refilling sauce, cheese and close in the burritos form. 
  • In a pan form a layer with the dipping sauce and on top add the tortillas.
  •  On top of them add the dipping sauce, besamel sauce and cheese. 
  • Put them in a preheated oven at 225C for 20 minutes.
Bon appetit

Gjithmone kam dashur te gatuaj ushqime Meksikane por perhere me jane dukur shume te komplikuara. Gjate nje bisede me nje shoqen time dhe fal recetes qe ajo me tregoi vendosa te gatuaja Enchilada. Sigurisht kjo nuk eshte receta origjinale Meksikane por e ndryshuar nga shoqja ime. Meqenese ende nuk isha e bindur ne gatimin e tyre, miket e mia vendosen te me ndihmonin. Per kete arsye une Edma dhe Ada vendosem qe gjate dites se diele te mblidheshim ne shtepine time per te provuar kete gatim perfekt.Gatimi i tyre ne pranine e shoqerise me beri mua te mendoj qe eshte nje nder recetat me te lehta , me te mira dhe me te shijshme qe ia vlen ta provosh.

1)   Perbersit per 40 tortilla
  1. 1kg miell
  2. 300gr miell misri
  3. 1filxhan me qumesht
  4. 3 filxhan me uje
  5. 1 filxhan m vaj
  6. 50gr soden e bukes

#Pergatitja per Tortillat: 

  • Ne nje ene hedhim miellin e grurit, shtojme miellin e misrit, soden e bukes, vajin, qumeshtin.
  •  I perziejme te gjitha se bashku dhe me pas shtojme ujin e i trazojme te gjitha derisa te jete krijuar nje mase e njetrajtshme brumi.
  •  E bejme brumin ne formen e nje drejtekendeshi te cilin me pas fillojme ta presim ne copa te vogla. Me pas keto copa i tehollim nje e nga nje derisa te formohet nje pete e holle.
  •  Gjate asaj kohe ngrohim nje tigan pa vaj ne te cilen vendosim tortillat dhe i leme te piqen nga 15sek nga cdo ane.
  •  Me pas i vendosim ne nje pjate.

2)    Perbersit per salcen e lyerjes

  1. 200gr salce domate
  2. 2 qepe
  3. spece djeges ose salce djegese(1-2luge caj)
  4. 2filxhan me uje
#Pergatitja per salcen e lyerjes: 

  • Ne nje ene hedhim vaj. 
  • Me pas shtojme 2 kokrra qepe te cilat jane te grira ne mikser. 
  • Me vone shtojme salcen e domates, salcen djegese dhe ne fund 2 filxhan me uje. 
  • E leme ne zjarr per rreth 20minuta

3)    Perbersit per salcen e mbushjes

  1. 2 tommate
  2. 6 onions
  3. 400gr djath kackavall
  4. majdanoz
  5. hudhera
  6. piper
  7. spec djeges ose salce djegese(2-3luge caj)
#Pergatitja per salcen e mbushjes: 
  • Ne nje ene hedhim vajin dhe nje hudher per te marr arome. 
  • Me pas shtojme qepet(4 kokrra) te cilat i kemi grire ne mikser.
  •  I leme derisa te kene marr nje ngjyre te arte dhe me pas shtojme domatet e grira ne mikser. 
  • E trazojme salcen here pas here. 
  • Me pas shtojme mishin e grire, majdanozin, piperin dhe salcen djegese 2-3 luge caj e i trazojme perseri dhe i leme ne zjarr derisa salca te jete gati.
  •  Kete salce e perdorim per te mbushur tortillat.

4)   Perbersit per salcen e beshamelit

  1. 100gr gjalpe
  2. 4 lugegjelle me miell
  3. rigon
  4. 400ml qumesht
  5. pepper
#Pergatitja e salces Beshamel: 
  • Ne nje ene hedhim gjalpin e leme te shkrije dhe me pas shtojme miellin. 
  • E trazojme perseri dhe ne fund shtojme qumeshtin dhe rigonin. 
  • Salcen duhet ta trazojme vazhdimisht dhe shume shpejt ne menyre qe te mos pritet.

##Pergatitja e Enchiladave##

  •  Ne nje pjate hedhim salcen e lyerjes.
  •  I lyejme tortillat nga te dyja anet. 
  • Me pas ne mes hedhim salcen e mbushjes, djathin kackavall dhe i mbyllim ne formen e burritos. 
  • Ne nje tave shtrojme salcen e lyerjes dhe vendosim nje e nga nje tortillat e mbushura.
  •  Siper tyre hedhim prape salcen e lyerjes, salcen Beshamel dhe djathin kackavall. 
  • I fusim ne nje furre te parangrohur ne 225C per 20min.

Ju befte mire


      Dipping Sauce

    Filling sauce

       Besamel sauce


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