Monday, September 28, 2015

Muffins with vegetables / Muffins me Perime

  1. 3 eggs
  2. 12 dishspoon with Flour
  3. 2 carrot
  4. 1 eggplant
  5. salami(sausage)
  6. 3 cherry tomatoes
  7. pizza cheese
  8. baking powder
  9. salt

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Casserole with Koran fish / Tave me peshk Korani

Pogradeci my final destination for this summer holidays.
I have wanted for years to visit the city but for different reasons I hadn't. I was fascinated by this southeast city where natural beauty culture and culinary traditions stay intact. One of the dishes that I decided to cook based on the original recipe, with the help of my mum is baked Koran fish in the oven. Hope you like it. Here are some information about this fish:
 Koran fish (Salmo Letnica) is an endemic specie located at the Oher lake which is ond of the oldest lakes in the world. The widest part of it 
belongs to FYROM and the other part to Albania (Pogradec city). This is the fountain of the Prespa lake and the Drilon park near the Tushemisht touristic village. Another small wonder of Albania.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Weekend in Pogradec(Albania) / Nje fundjave ne Pogradec

Pogradeci is a city and municipality in southeastern Albania, situated on the shores of Ohrid lake. It is located in the County of Korçë. This city is surrounded by hills on the southern and western side. The lake is in the eastern and northern side of the city. The name of the town is Slavic in origin: Pogradec = Po(d) (under/beneath) and Gradec (city in Bulgarian) and means literally "under the city".

During my visit in Pogradec i had so much fun and i saw so many beautiful places, so i'm going to share a lot's of photos with you maybe one day you are going to have the opportunity to visit this place,This city is perfect for every time of the year because you can do a lot of stuffe in every season

Lake of Pogradeci

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Butter Cookies/ Biskota me Gjalp


  1. 150gr  butter, room temp
  2. 80 gr superfine sugar
  3. 300gr all purpose flour
  4. 1 egg
  5. raw sugar