Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pasta with Vegetables \ Pasta me Perime

 Ingredients : 
  1. 500gr pasta 
  2. 1 eggplant
  3.  1 carrot 
  4. 1 sausage 
  5. 250gr mushrooms
  6.  1teaspoon curry(optional) 
  7. 250ml(or more) tomatoes sauce 
  8. Salt 
  9. Olive oil 
  10. 2 garlic cloves

  •  In a pan with a little bit olive oil add the 2garlic cloves. 
  • Then firstly put the sausage and let it fry a little. Then add the carrots and the eggplant finely chopped. Let them cook slowly.
  •  Meanwhile put the pasta to boil. 
  • Then in the pan where you have the vegetables add the tomato sauce and 1teaspoon with curry. Before you take off the sauce add the mushrooms so they aren't fully fried. 
  • In the end add the sauce to the pasta and serve. 

        Bon appetite.
                 xoxo MG

  1.  500gr makarona
  2.  1 patellxhan 
  3. 1 karrote
  4.  1salcice 
  5. 250gr kerpudha 
  6. 1luge caj kerri(opsionale) 
  7. 250ml(ose me shume) Salce domate 
  8. Kripe
  9.  Vaj ulliri 
  10. 2thelpinj hudher


  • Pasi kemi prere ne menyre te imet perimet vendosim nje tigan ne zjarr hedhim pak vaj ulliri dhe shtojme 2thelpinjte e hudhres per arome. 
  • Ne fillim shtojme salcicet I leme te skuqen pakez dhe me pas shtojme karrotat te cilat I leme perseri te skuqen.Me vone shtojme patellxhanin dhe I leme prap te skuqen ne zjarr te ngadalte.
  •  Gjate kesaj kohe vendosim nje ene me uje te nxehte makaronat per tu zjere. 
  • Me pas ne enen ku kemi vendosur perimet hedhim salcen e domates dhe 1luge caj me kerri dhe I leme te skuqen. 
  • Perpara se te heqim salcen nga zjarri shtojme kerpudhat ne menyre te tille qe ato te jene gjysem te skuqura. 
  • Ne fund jua hedhim salcen makaronat dhe I servirim.

  Ju befte mire.

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