Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Chocolate and Pumpkin cake / Kek me Kungull dhe copeza cokollate

October is a month where we see pumpkin everywhere. 
Everyone has been carving pumpkins for Halloween and must have some left over. 
Why not use it and do a delicious cake.

  1. 250g flour 
  2. 200g sugar
  3. 4 eggs 
  4. 200g pumpkin 
  5. 150g butter 
  6. 1tbs cinnamon 
  7. Baking powder 
  8. Chocolate


  • Firstly peel the pumpkin and boil for 20 minutes. Put it in an electric food chopper. 
  • In a bowl put butter, sugar and mix together. 
  • Add the eggs, pumpkin, cinnamon and the chocolate in the end. 
  • Also add flour and mix all together. 
  • Grease and flour a baking pan and put the cake mixture. 
  • Put the baking pan in a preheated oven at 180C for 30-35 minutes.
  •  After it is cool down sprinkle some chocolate and serve. 

      Bon Appetit!


 Me poshte do tju paraqes nje recete mjaft te lehte qe mund te pergatitet fare mire cdo dite dhe jo vetem ne rastin e festes se halloweenit 

  1.  250gr miell 
  2.  200gr sheqer 
  3.  4kokrra veze 
  4. 200gr kungull
  5. 150gr gjalp 
  6. 1luge gjelle Kanelle
  7. Fryres per embelsirat 
  8. Copeza cokollate
  •  Ne fillim pastrojme kungullin dhe e leme te zieje per 20 minuta.
  • Me pas e fusim ne griresen elektrike,duke e kthyer ate ne pure.
  • Ne nje ene vendosim gjalpin dhe sheqerin te cilat I rrahim me anen e rraheses elektrike,hedhim vezet,puren e kungullit,kanellen dhe ne fund copezat e cokollates. 
  • Ne fund shtojme miellin dhe I trazojme te gjitha se bashku
  • . Lyejme enen ku do te vendosim kekun me vaj dhe e sperkasim me miell ne menyre te tille qe te mos te ngjitet keku.
  • E fusim ne nje furre te parangrohur ne 180C per 30-35 minuta 
  • Ne fund pasi ftohet keku mund ta sperkasim persiper me cokollate dhe e servirim 
Ju befte mire
     xoxo MG

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