Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Carrot Cake/Kek me Karrota

Hello again! Carrot cake yam yam ! This is the first recipe that I will show to you. It is an easy, healthy recipe and very delicious. You can prepare it when you have friends for dinner or family as I usually do. Hope you like it.^_^
Here is the recipe

  1. 700 gr minced carrots
  2. 4 eggs
  3. 550 gr sugar
  4. 350gr flour
  5. 110 gr corn oil
  6. 120 gr olive oil
  7. 1 dish spoon Cinnamon(Only if you like)
  8. 1dish spoon vanilla
  9. 1 dish spoon baking powder 
  10. 1 tea spoon baking soda
Firstly we wash,peel and then mince the carrots. We leave them in a bowl. In another bowl we break the eggs,add sugar and vanilla. We stir until we have a homogeneous mass. You then add olive oil, corn oil and cinnamon( Only if you like).
We stir again. After that you add the flour, baking powder and baking soda. Stir again for 1 minute and in the end add the minced carrots.
Take a baking pan and greas it with olive oil, then put in the mass. Bake for 50 minutes in 150 C. In the end serve the cake in a plate and decorate with powdered sugar.
Bon Appetit ! 
              xoxo MG

Pershendetje perseri! Kek me karrota yam yam .Kjo eshte receta ime e pare qe une do t'ju tregoj .Eshte shume e thjeshte,e shendetshme dhe shume e mire.Ju mund ta pergatisni kete gjate nje darke per shoqerine tuaj ose per familjen sic une e bej zakonisht.Shpresoj tju pelqej! ^_^
Po ju tregoj receten me poshte.

  1. 700gr karrota te grira
  2. 4 vez
  3. 550 gr sheqer
  4. 350 gr miell
  5.  110 gr vaj ulliri
  6. 120 gr vaj luledielli
  7. 1luge kanelle(Sipas deshires)
  8. 1pako vanilje
  9.  1pako fryres embelsirash
  10. 1luge caj me sod buke


Ne fillim lajme karrotat,i grijme ,e i lem menjan.Me pas ne nje ene thyejme vezet,hedhim sheqerin dhe vaniljen i rrahim me ndihmen e rraheses elektrike deri ne momentin qe shohim se  eshte krijuar nje mase homogjene.Me pas shtojm vajin e ullirit dhe vaijn e luledielllit,i trazojme perseri ,pas kesaj hedhim kanellen(sipas deshires) dhe ne fund hedhim miellin,fryresin e embelsirave dhe soden e bukes te cilat I trazojm me rrahese per gati 1min e ne fund hedhim karrotat e grira.Ne fund lyejm enen ku do vendosim kekun me vaj dhe me pas hedhim kekun
I vendosim ne furre per 50 minuta ne nje temperatur 150C
Me pas e nxjerrim nga furra dhe e lem te ftohet .Ne fund e servirim
Ju befte mire!
                         xoxo MG