There are different recepies from all the world to prepare this dessert.
The recepie that I used is similiar with the one used in italy.
It is very delicious and recomend doing it for a special occasion.
- 10 eggs
- 10 tbs flour
- 10 tbs powdered sugar
- 1 vanilla
- Baking powder
- 500 ml panna
- 500 ml p
- Panda milk
- 1.5 l milk
- Caramel
Separate the white and the yolks of the eggs. With a mixer whipp the whites until they are well blended. Add the sugar mix again with the eggs.After this, add the vanilla and the yolks.
Mix together for 2-3 minutes. In another bowl mix the flour with the baking powder then mix with the eggs. Mix well until they are well blended together. take a pan and grease it with oil and then add the mixture. Put it in a preheated oven at 150C for 35-40 minutes.
In the moment it is baked,take it out and leave it cool down for 1 hour.
Meanwhile take the 3 types of milk and mix together in a bowl. Add this mixture to the sponge cake. In the end take the caramel and form a layer above the sponge cake. Leave it for 3 hours in the fridge.
Bon Appetit!
xoxo MG
Receta qe une kam perdorur eshte e ngjashme me ate italianen.
Eshte nje embelsire shume e shijshme dhe ju keshilloj ta pergatisni.
10 kokrra veze
10 luge gjelle miell
10 luge gjelle sheqer puder
1 pako vanilje
Sode per embelsira
500ml pana per embelsirat
500ml qumesht pannda
1.5l qumesht
Krem karamel
Se pari fillojme te pergatisim kekun qe me vone do e regjim. Ndajme te bardhat nga te verdhat e vezeve. Rrahim me rrahese elektrike te bardhat deri sa po te kthejme tasin ato nuk do te rrezohen. Hedhim sheqerin me luge dhe njekohesisht i rrahim me vezet.
Pasi mbarojme kete proces; shtojme vaniljen, e te verdhat e vezeve. I rrahim perseri per 2-3 minuta. Ne nje tas tjeter perziejme miellin me soden e embelsirave; pastaj masen e bashkojme me vezet. I trazojme vazhdimisht me luge nga poshte larte. Pasi masa eshte gati e hedhim ne nje ene te cilin e kemi lyer me vaj dhe siper i hedhim brumin. E sheshojme ne menyre qe brumi te piqet njelloj. E fusim taven ne nje furre te parangrohur ne 150C per 35-40 minuta.
Pasi eshte pjekur e nxjerrim nga furra dhe e leme te ftohet per 1 ore.
Nderkohe qe keku ftohet fillojme pergatisim masen e lengshme. Marrim 3 llojet e qumshteve dhe i hedhim ne 1 ene e i perziejme sebashku. Me nje luge te madhe fillojme regjim kekun. Marrim krem karamelin dhe e shperndajme ne te gjithe siperfaqen e trileces dhe ne fund e fusim ne frigorifer te ftohet per rreth 3 ore.
Ju befte mire.
xoxo MG
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