Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lemon Biscuits\ Biskota me Limon

  1. 150g butter
  2. 400g flour
  3. 2 eggs
  4. 250g sugar
  5. 10g yeast
  6. 2 lemon(zest + juice of 1/2 lemon)
  7. 1 vanilla pack
  8. 1 pack baking powder
  9.  2 tablespoon milk (If needed)
Melt the butter for a few seconds and then add the sugar, lemon zest and mix together with a mixer. After that add the eggs, 1/2 lemon juice and 2 tablespoon with milk( If needed). Mix again. Add the flour, baking powder and mix until you have a homogeneous mass. Cover the dough and put it in the fridge for 1 hour. After then divide the dough in smaller ones. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and cut it with different shapes. Put the biscuits in a baking pan in 150C in the oven. When the biscuits have a golden color take them out. Leave until they cool down and then they are ready to serve.
             Bon appetit
                       xoxo MG


  1. 150 gr gjalp
  2. 400 gr miell 
  3. 2 veze 
  4.  250 gr sheqer 
  5. 10 gr maja 
  6. 2 limon(lekura + lengu I nje gjysem limoni)
  7. 1 bustine vanilje 
  8. 1 pako baking powder 
  9. 2luge qumesht (ne qoftese do te nevojiten)

Pasi kemi zbutur gjalpin per disa sekonda hedhim sheqerin dhe lekuren e limonit I rrahim per disa minuta, me pas hedhim vezet, lengun e nje gjysme limoni dhe 2 luge qumesht ne qoftese do te nevojiten I rrahim perseri me ndihmen e nje rrahese elektrike,me pas hedhim miellin, baking powder, I trazojme derisa te krijohet nje mase e nje trajtshme. Mbulojme brumin me nje qese,me pas e fusim ne frigorifer per rreth 1ore. Kur e nxjerrim e ndajme ne disa pjese brumin. Me anen e nje peci hapim brumin dhe perdorim forma te ndryshme per t'ju dhene forma biskotave. Ne fund I vendosim ne tepsi dhe gati per ne furre me temperature 150C deri sa te shohim qe biskotat kane marre nje ngjyre te arte
 Ju befte mire
           xoxo MG