Pizza nr 1 |
Ingredients for the sauce:
- 3 tablespoons ketchup
- 2 medium tomatoes
- Basil
- Parsley
- Salt
- Pepper
Firstly we prepare the sauce.Wash and cut the tomatoes. Put them in a mixer together with the spices, add salt and pepper. Mix together for 2
minutes and then add 3 tablespoons with ketchup. Voila there you have the sauce.
Take the pizza bases and grease the baking pan with a little oil(butter).
Pizza nr.1
Grease the pizza base with sauce and then the cheese and on top put the salami, tomatoes and white cheese.
Pizza nr.2
Grease with sauce, add the pizza cheese. Then add the salami, rucola and tomatoes and white cheese.
Pizza nr.3
Grease with sauce the base and then add the pizza cheese, salami ,tomatoes, peppers and corn.You can also add the white cheese
Pizza nr.4--Vegetarian
Grease the base with sauce and add the pizza cheese, rucola, tomatoes , peppers, corn and white cheese.
You can decore and put all the ingredients that you have in home.
Put the pizza in a preheated oven in 250C for 10 minutes.
Bon Appetit
xoxo MG
Pizza nr 3 |
- 4 pite te gatshme per pica
- Domate
- Rukola
- Djath pice
- Sallam
- Speca
- Miser I konservuar
Perberesit per salcen
- 3 luge gjelle ketchup
- 2 domate mesatare
- Borzilok
- Majdanos
- Krip
- Piper
Fillojme me pergatitjen e salces.Lajme dhe presim domatet I hedhim ne Mikser se bashku me erezat(sipas deshires) se bashku me kripen dhe piperin.I perziejme per 2 minuta, me pas I shtojme 3luge gjelle ketchup.Ja pra dhe salca eshte gati.
Me pas marrim pitet e pices I lyejme poshte me pak vaj ne menyre te tille qe te mos ngjisin.
Pica nr.1
E lyejme me salcen e pergatitur dhe I vendosim djathin e pices,siper I vendosim sallamin domatet dhe djathin e bardhe.
Pica nr 2
E lyejme me salce,siper I vendosim djathin e pices,sallamin,rukolen,domatet dhe djathin e bardhe
Pizza nr 4 |
E lyejme me salce I vendosim djathin e pices,sallamin domatet, specat, misrin dhe djathin e bardhe
Pica nr 4 --Pica vegjetariane
E lyejme me salcen, I vendosim djathin e pices, rukolen, domatet,specat, misrin dhe djathin. Dekorimi dhe perberesit e pices ndryshojne,ne varesi te produkteve qe ne perdorim ne shtepi
I vendosim ne nje furre te para ngrohur me nje temperature 250C per 10 minuta.
Ju befte mire
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